2016 High School Shoot Out Results

The results are finally in for the 34st Annual High School Shoot-Out sponsored by Third Floor Photographic Society. TFPS is made up of an instructor and photography majors at Texas A&M University-Commerce who manage and sponsor this annual photography contest. 1,022 single images and 14 portfolios were entered this year from 14 high schools. The judges calling the shots were Ashley Allen, alumni and John Kleineberg, MFA graduate. The judges were impressed with the “high level of skills” and the overall quality of the work. Certificates will be mailed out to all the winners with the First Place Junior/Senior Portfolio winner and Best in Show being eligible for a $1,000 scholarship should he/she decide to attend Texas A&M University-Commerce as a student pursuing a major in photography. Any student receiving an award is eligible for a $500 Third Floor Scholarship at A&M – Commerce. ...