39th Annual High School Shoot-Out Contest Results

39 th Annual High School Shoot-Out Contest Results Here are the results of the 39th Annual High School Shoot-Out contest sponsored by Third Floor Photographic Society. Congratulations to the winners and thanks to everyone who entered this year’s contest. We greatly appreciate the effort that your school takes to enter our contest. 422 single images and 10 Junior/Senior Portfolios were entered this year from 13 high schools and one elementary school with the proceeds going to the Third Floor Photo Society Scholarship. Certificates will be sent out to all the winners with in the next few weeks. Please double check spelling, sometimes mistakes happen. If you happen to notice any typos or have questions please email us at chad.smith@tamuc.edu . To those of you who did not make it into the finals, please keep making photographs! TFPS is made up of instructors and photography majors/minors at Texas A&M University-Commerce who manage and sponsor this annual fu...