Sametime Project

On another blog I was looking at I found this project by two photographers who live in two different cities and shoot a photograph at 7:15 every day. I like the way it explores location and that two friends can sort of keep up with one another through their photographs. The project is totally web-based which is also really interesting.
From Whitewall Collective:
Michael Lease (Richmond, Va.) and Brad Walker (Baltimore,Md.) present SAMETIME 7:15, a yearlong web-based collaboration of pictures and words. Beginning December 2006, each evening Lease and Walker have made an image in their respective cities. The images and texts range from quick snapshots with basic captions illustrating the moment, to elaborately executed images with whimsical, and on occasion poetic text.
Michael Lease, a Richmond-based artist who makes photographic installations, and Brad Walker, a Baltimore-based graphic designer and musician have known one another since Walker was Lease’s student at Frostburg State University in Western Maryland. SAMETIME 7:15 is their second collaboration. The project arose out of the artistswanting to make collaborative art despite their living in different cities. SAMETIME 7:15 explores issues of commitment, repetition, the workaday, the quotidian, the routine, and the desire to employ art-making as a bridge to geographical distance and as a vehicle for friendship.